1. Petition against misuse of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons, certified in the House of Commons in Ottawa on December 7, 2021. Number 11476170
We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:
1. Canadian victims of Psychotronic (remote Mind and Body Control) Weapons are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent. Victims of mind/body control detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nanomaterials, magnetize proteins in nerve cells and place victims under continuous surveillance. Perpetrators monitor the human brain, continuously alter consciousness and behavior, directly assault and torture mind and bodies of the involuntary human subjects.
Some of the Symptoms of The Mind/Body Manipulation Technology on Subjects are as follows:
A) Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and sensations.
B) Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, forced actions.
C) Synthesized voices and sounds in victims’ heads.
D) Visual, olfactory, tactile hallucinations
E) Debilitation of mental acuity and capacity.
F) Loss of memory and knowledge
G) Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep.
H) Cramps, spasms, seizures, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body.
I) Manipulation of any organ or body part, such as bladder, heart, genitals, arms, legs etc.
J) Constant pressure on heads of victims, dizziness, fatigue, loss of balance and coordination of movements; other serious medical symptoms
2. Members of public office refuse to recognize these victims suffering or provide medical and security expertise.
3. The misuse of such brain and body manipulation technology directly undermines the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, other Canadian and International laws.
THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon the House of Commons to appoint a Public Inquiry in Canada to get to the bottom of these gross violations of human rights based upon the evidence collected by victims for many years. Goals of the Public Inquiry should include:
- End of misuse of the mind control technologies
- Compensation of involuntary human subjects for their damages
- Removal of any devices, implanted in the brain or bodies of human subjects without their knowledge or consent, which affect their thoughts and actions
- People responsible should be exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.
Petition collected more than 1000 signatures in Canada. It was certified in the House of Commons on December 7, 2021. MP Julie Dabrusin gave many promises to table it in the Canadian Parliament in December 2021, January 2022 and February 2022. However, she refused to do it in an email, sent on the 24th of February 2022:
“Galina, Thank you for your continued interest in pursuing a petition through my office. As an MP I remain open to tabling petitions on a variety of subjects and from differing perspectives. As we have seen with recent events, the widespread circulation of misinformation is growing problem in Canada. Upon reflection I have concluded that it would be inappropriate to table your petition. I would be happy to return the petition for you to seek assistance from someone else. Yours truly, Julie Dabrusin”.
Answer to MP Dabrusin, dated the 24th of February 2022:
“Hi Julie, I regret that I and my comrades have lost a lot of time since the end of October, 2021, when the scan of the petition with more than 1000 signatures was sent to your office and you confirmed your desire to table the petition in the House of Commons. I lost almost four months, trusting your multiple promises in writing to table it ASAP. Now, I am not sure that I will be able to find somebody else to present the petition in the House of commons, because I am going to leave Canada for another country soon. Most likely, I will have to start a new petition after return to Canada this summer and explain to people, what happened with this one. Regarding your statements about misinformation. Unfortunately for all of us, psychotronic (remote mind control) technologies have existed for a long time. For example, two-way brain-computer interface (BCI) is psychotronic technology, and I hope that you will not claim that BCI does not exist and this is misinformation. You can find multitude of articles and videos about mind control weapons on website https://organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com. You can find there information that Chile became first country to pass neuro-rights law against criminal mind control in 2021. If you are in doubt that the Canadian government conducts (or, at least, sanctions and covers) these fascists experiments on civilian people without their informed consent, I have to assure you that it has committed these crimes for many years, if not decades. Personally I got medical records in 2009 that I am a victim of specific electromagnetic effects and have nanomaterials in my system that are used as chips to send signals to my body. However, I am not the only one victim of this sadistic experimentation, many other people in Canada testify about the same https://organizationofmindcontrolvictims.com/testimonies. Please, do not hesitate and ask me questions, if you are still in doubt that the petition contains any misinformation. Once again, I and my comrades testify that everything, claimed in the petition, is true.
I received your brochure, containing your photo with Justin Trudeau and info that you got a new assignment. I am absolutely sure that you will have brilliant career in the Canadian government. Galina Kurdina”.
2. Petition against misuse of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons, tabled in the House of Commons in Ottawa on May 3, 2018. Number 421-02313
We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:
1. There are individuals in this country, who have been victimized by technology they don’t have a solid understanding of. These victims are tortured by devices in their brains and experience symptoms of mind and body control. These devices are not implanted with the knowledge or consent of the victim, nor are they intended to treat any medical condition. These victims are similar to the ones who were experimented on by CIA in their declassified mind control programs, such as MKUltra.
A). Debilitation of mental acuity and capacity.
B). Loss of memory and knowledge
C). Cramps, spasms, seizures, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body.
D). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep.
E). Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and sensations.
F). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements.
G). Manipulation of body organs (such as bladder and heart).
H). Voices in victims heads.
I). Visual hallucinations.
2. Members of public office refuse to recognize these victims suffering or provide medical and security expertise.
3. The misuse of such brain and body manipulation technology directly undermines the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other laws.
THEREFORE, your petitioners request that the House of Commons would appoint a Public Inquiry in Canada to get to the bottom of these gross violations of human rights. Goals of the Public Inquiry should include:
- End of misuse of the mind and body control technologies
- Removal of any materials implanted in human subjects that send signalsto their mind and bodies
- Compensation of involuntary human subjects for their damages
- People responsible should be exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.
Answer from the Canadian Government, signed by Mr. Peter Schiefke
“The Government takes note of the petitioners’ concerns; however, the Government has no information on any such activities.“
3. Petition against misuse of Psychotronic (mind control) Weapons, tabled in the House of Commons in Ottawa on November 23, 2011. Number 411-0188
We, the undersigned residents of Canada, draw the attention of the House of Commons to the following:
1. There are individuals in this country, victims of Psychotronic (Mind and Body Control) Weapons, who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments without their informed consent. Victims of mind/body control detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nanomaterials and place them under continuous surveillance. They monitor the human brain, continuously alter consciousness and behavior, directly assault and torture mind and bodies of the human subjects.
These are some of the symptoms that targeted individuals may experience:
a). Microwave hearing, torture with loud noise.
b). Visual hallucinations, “dreams”.
c). Reading thoughts, retrieving memories.
d). Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and perceptions.
e). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands (i.e. the Manchurian Candidate effect).
f). Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of memory.
g). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep
h). Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, manipulation of body systems, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions.
2. Some victims are subject to harassment and organized stalking in their communities. Some victims receive false psychiatric diagnosis and in addition become victims of the system from which they are seeking help (medical institutions, as well as law enforcement)
3. The misuse of such brain and body manipulation technology directly undermines the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
THEREFORE, your petitioners request that the House of Commons would appoint a Public Inquiry in Canada to get to the bottom of these gross violations of human rights based upon the evidence collected by victims for many years. Goals of the Public Inquiry should include:
- End of misuse of the mind control technologies
- Compensation of involuntary human subjects for their damages
- Removal of any materials implanted in human subjects, such as microchips or nanomaterials, that send signals to their mind and bodies
- People responsible should be exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity.
Answer from the Canadian Government, signed by Mr. Tom Lukiwski
“The Government takes note of the petitioners’ concerns; however, the Government has no information on any such activities.”
4. Questionnaire by U.S. Department of State, submitted to Health Incident Response Task Force (HIRTF) on January 21, 2022
Thank you for completing this voluntary questionnaire. We appreciate any information that you can provide. As a part of the U.S. government’s efforts to investigate health incidents reported by U.S. personnel in Cuba, we intend to share your information only with those involved in this investigation and only in accordance with applicable U.S. laws and policies, including the Privacy Act of 1974. (Please see the Privacy Act Statement below for more information.) If there are any further questions for you, the Department will contact you directly. Please continue to consult with your medical professional as needed, and refer to our Cuba Travel Advisory and other travel information at travel.state.gov. Thank you.
Privacy Act Statement
Authority: The Department of State requests this information under the authority of 22 U.S.C. § 3904 and 22 U.S.C. § 4802 .
Purpose: The principal purpose of collecting this information is to assist in protecting the security of the United States and the safety and security of its employees and private citizens abroad.
Routine Uses: The information solicited on this form may be made available to federal, state, local, or foreign law enforcement agencies, and other U.S. government or foreign agencies with statutory or other lawful authority to maintain the information, in coordination with the Department of State and in accordance with the Privacy Act. More information on routine uses applicable to completed questionnaires can be found in the System of Records Notice State-05, Overseas Citizen Services and Other Overseas Records. In some circumstances, completed questionnaires may also be maintained by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security in accordance with the System of Records Notice State-36, Security Records.
Disclosure: Responses are voluntary.
Personal Details
- Date survey completed: 21/01/2022
- Full name: Galina Kurdina
- Date and place of birth: 25/01/1959
- Gender: Female
- Phone number: (647) 343-0716, …
- Email address: …
- Permanent address: … Toronto, ON, Canada, …
- Employer: Retired
- Have you ever worked for the U.S. government or served in the U.S. military? If so, in what capacity? No
Trip Details
- What date did you arrive in the location(s) where you experienced symptoms? January 2005
- What date did you depart the location(s) where you experienced symptoms? Symptoms are still ongoing
- What was your purpose in visiting the location(s) where you experienced symptoms? I immigrated to Canada
- What areas and locations did you visit? Several locations in Scarborough and Toronto, ON, Canada
- What type of activities did you engage in? I am retired and disabled at the moment, but was a college student and worked for some time during the last 16 years
- What other countries did you visit prior to the location(s) where you experienced symptoms (and when)? I left Russia for Canada in February 2004
- What other countries did you visit after the location(s) where you experienced symptoms (and when)? My symptoms started in Scarborough, ON, Canada at the very end of December 2005. I visited Russia in the middle of 2007, and I went several times to the USA after that
- What was the location and address of the incident? My symptoms started at the very end of December 2005, when I was renting a basement apartment at 73 Mossbrook Crescent, Scarborough, ON, Canada. I moved several times within Greater Toronto Area during the last 16 years, but symptoms did not disappear. All of them are still ongoing
- What was the date and time of the incident? From the end of December 2005 to current time
- How long did the incident last? More than 16 years
- How long did the health effects of the incident, if any, last? More than 16 years
- Was the incident reported to local authorities? If so, what was the time and date, and what was their response? I reported many times to local police, RCMP, Canadian and American doctors, politicians, main stream media, two Petitions were presented (tabled) in the House of Commons in Ottawa in 2011 and 2018. The third petition was successfully certified in the House of Commons in December 2021
- Is there a recording of the incident? I kept my diary for some time and recorded my story
- What were you doing when you first noticed the incident? I can not remember, just remember that I was at 73 Mossbrook Cres., Scarborough, ON
- Did the incident appear to originate from a specific location? If so, where? Did it change in any way? I do not know this location. It may be that perpetrators attacked me from inside the house at 73 Mossbrook Crescent, Scarborogh, ON during first 2-3 months in 2005-2006 years
- Did you remain in the location or leave, and if you left, how did the incident’s effects change? I left 73 Mossbrook Cresent at the end of 2006. However, the specific effects became even worse in comparison to what I experienced at the end of 2005
- Please list any electronic devices present during the phenomenon (WiFi routers, TVs, iPads, computers, microwaves, air conditioning units, etc.) and their position in relation to you. Did these devices do anything unusual before/during/after the incident? I rented the basement apartment at 73 Mossbrook Cres. and rented all other units as well, so I do not know all electronic devices present in these houses during the phenomenon
- Did you notice anything unusual before or after the incident? (People, vehicles or other unusual concerns, changes in the environment?) I developed all symptoms during several hours after one day examination with full anesthesia in a polyclinic at 4646 Dufferin Street in Toronto, at the end of December, 2005
- Were there other people in the area at the time of the incident? If so, did they have any ill effects? Were any pets or other animals present at the time of the incident? How did these animals respond? My son was there, but he has been too scared to admit this effects for all these years. He refuses to admit them and blames me for going public
- Did you ever experience health effects similar to those from the incident at any other time? If so, when, and was it identical or different? I had never ever experienced similar health effects before December 2005
- Were you located in a public space at the time of the incident? (If in a hotel, were windows nearby and/or were you close to the street?) It seems to me that I was inside house at 73 Mossbrook Cres.. Perpetrators lived in this house (or constantly visited it) for at least 2-3 months in 2005-2006
Description of sounds (if applicable):
- How long was the duration of the sound? I have received voices and sounds for more than 16 years. In fact, I was tortured with intense and loud idle talking for many years
- Describe the nature of the sound in your own words. Can you equate the noise to a sound with which you are familiar? Human male and female voices and different sounds
- Was the sound continuous or intermittent? Non-stop talking without a second of break for many years
- How did the sound affect you or make you feel? What part of your body was affected? It was torture because of very intense and loud talking. Furthermore, perpetrators accompanied every word with sharp pain for many years. Now, idle talking has become less intensive
Medical History
- In general, how would you rate your health today on a scale of (1) very good to (5) very poor? Very poor, I am officially disabled person
- Do you have any chronic medical conditions? If yes, list them here. …
- Have you ever suffered a head injury, to include concussions, blast, or other injuries in the past? If yes, list the details including dates. No serious head injuries or concussions in the past
Immediate Symptoms
This section of the form asks about any symptoms that you may have had immediately after the incident:
- Headache Yes
- Head pressure Yes
- Reduced hearing sensitivity I don’t know/unsure
- Ear pain or pressure Yes
- Ringing in the ears I don’t know/unsure
- Nausea or vomiting Yes
- Dizziness or vertigo Yes
- Blurred vision Yes
- Balance problems Yes
- Sensitivity to light Yes
- Sensitivity to noise Yes
- Feeling slowed down Yes
- Feeling like “in a fog” Yes
- “Don’t feel right” Yes
- Difficultly concentrating Yes
- Difficulty remembering Yes
- Fatigue or low energy Yes
- Confusion Yes
- Drowsiness Yes
- Trouble with sleep Yes
- More emotional Yes
- Irritability Yes
- Sadness Yes
- Anxiety or nervousness Yes
- And other symptoms after travel to the location(s) where you experienced symptoms? If yes describe it in the comment box
1). Debilitation of mental acuity, disruption of ability to concentrate and think on my own, constant induced thoughts. 2). Loss of memory and knowledge: I often cannot remember what I did or was going to do 1-2 seconds ago (sometimes, perpetrators remind me about it, sometimes they do not remind, and memory is gone for ever). I may say that I live without MY memory. 3). Constant induced feelings, emotions, sensations. Feeling of living in an unreal world, as if I take drugs. 4). Receiving visual images and sounds (including torture with intense loud voices and noise). 5). Induced actions and memory deletion of them later. I experience pressure on top of my head from above, which brings me into a hypnotic state. I experience pressure on the forehead, which makes it impossible to concentrate and think on my own. I get a non-stop stream of words, commands, impulses, pictures. My attention is drawn to this non-stop stream very much. I am manipulated in this state 24/7, like a computer device, compelled to say or do something that I do not want to say or to do. Decisions are made artificially. I experience forced speech, involuntary body movements, induced actions, change of facial expressions, tone and pitch of the voice, artificial change of emotions and desires, artificial laughter and tears, artificial sensations, including hunger. 6). Inadequate states, which I had never previously experienced (for example, depression or obsessive desires). 7). Deciphering memories and mind reading. 8). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep. I am tortured with insomnia. Perpetrators stimulate me so much at night time that I cannot stay in bed. As usual, I sleep 2-3 hours at night, but sometimes, rarely, they make a break and let me sleep 9-10 hours at night time. 9). Artificial pain in any part of my body, for example, pain in heart, headaches, cramps in muscles (especially at night time), deterioration in speech and other symptoms. 10). Perpetrators can manipulate any organ in my body and force me to urinate, defecate or vomit. 11). I had a lot of skin damages, because of the electromagnetic effects upon me: perpetrators burnt skin on my face, I had horrible ulcers all over my body for at least 2 years, and 4 doctors (my family doctor, 2 dermatologists and a doctor from Tropical Disease Clinic in University of Toronto) were unable to form a diagnosis. One dermatologist just said to me that these ulcers were out of area of her expertise. Sometimes, I experience enormous itching. Massive amounts of hair fell out during 1-2 months in summer 2016. Level of these constant effects upon me is extreme
Current or Recent Symptoms
This section of the form asks about symptoms that you currently have or have had in the last 30 days:
- Headache Yes
- Head pressure Yes
- Reduced hearing sensitivity I don’t know/unsure
- Ear pain or pressure Yes
- Ringing in the ears No
- Nausea or vomiting Yes
- Dizziness or vertigo Yes
- Blurred vision Yes
- Balance problems Yes
- Sensitivity to light Yes
- Sensitivity to noise Yes
- Feeling slowed down Yes
- Feeling like “in a fog” Yes
- “Don’t feel right” Yes
- Difficultly concentrating Yes
- Difficulty remembering Yes
- Fatigue or low energy Yes
- Confusion Yes
- Drowsiness Yes
- Trouble with sleep Yes
- More emotional Yes
- Irritability Yes
- Sadness Yes
- Anxiety or nervousness Yes
- And other symptoms after travel to the location(s) where you experienced symptoms? If yes describe it in the comment box
All the same symptoms. 1). Debilitation of mental acuity, disruption of ability to concentrate and think on my own, constant induced thoughts. 2). Loss of memory and knowledge: I often cannot remember what I did or was going to do 1-2 seconds ago (sometimes, perpetrators remind me about it, sometimes they do not remind, and memory is gone for ever). I may say that I live without MY memory. 3). Constant induced feelings, emotions, sensations. Feeling of living in an unreal world, as if I take drugs. 4). Receiving visual images and sounds (including torture with intense loud voices and noise). 5). Induced actions and memory deletion of them later. I experience pressure on top of my head from above, which brings me into a hypnotic state. I experience pressure on the forehead, which makes it impossible to concentrate and think on my own. I get a non-stop stream of words, commands, impulses, pictures. My attention is drawn to this non-stop stream very much. I am manipulated in this state 24/7, like a computer device, compelled to say or do something that I do not want to say or to do. Decisions are made artificially. I experience forced speech, involuntary body movements, induced actions, change of facial expressions, tone and pitch of the voice, artificial change of emotions and desires, artificial laughter and tears, artificial sensations, including hunger. 6). Inadequate states, which I had never previously experienced (for example, depression or obsessive desires). 7). Deciphering memories and mind reading. 8). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep. I am tortured with insomnia. Perpetrators stimulate me so much at night time that I cannot stay in bed. As usual, I sleep 2-3 hours at night, but sometimes, rarely, they make a break and let me sleep 9-10 hours at night time. 9). Artificial pain in any part of my body, for example, pain in heart, headaches, cramps in muscles (especially at night time), deterioration in speech and other symptoms. 10). Perpetrators can manipulate any organ in my body and force me to urinate, defecate or vomit. 11). I had a lot of skin damages, because of the electromagnetic effects upon me: perpetrators burnt skin on my face, I had horrible ulcers all over my body for at least 2 years, and 4 doctors (my family doctor, 2 dermatologists and a doctor from Tropical Disease Clinic in University of Toronto) were unable to form a diagnosis. One dermatologist just said to me that these ulcers were out of area of her expertise. Sometimes, I experience enormous itching. Massive amounts of hair fell out during 1-2 months in summer 2016. Level of these constant effects upon me is extreme
Additional Information
- If there is anything else you would like to mention about your health, include it here. At the beginning of 2006, a brain exam detected a tiny round 5 mm low T1W and high T2W signal intensity in my pineal gland. I would like to remove it
- Have you sought medical attention for the aforementioned symptoms and if so, what were the results? Canadian doctors do not help me and do not send to necessary examinations in Canada, I feel as if I am “blocked” in Canada. I have not been able to get to any Canadian toxicologist for more than 10 years, let alone any transmission electron microscope tests or any mass spectrometry tests. Furthermore, Toronto police forced me to go to psychiatrists, when I was reporting to them all symptoms of so called Havana syndrome in 2006, and 2 psychistrists in Toronto Dr. Gratzer and Dr. Dief formed false diagnoses for me in June 2006 – psychosis NOS and delusional disorder. However, an American toxicologist made another diagnosis for me in 2009. Her professional opinion is that I am a victim of specific electromagnetic effects and have nano materials in my system that send signals to my body
- Did anyone traveling with you have a similar experience? –
- Do you have any other comments? My urgent demands are: 1). Cease, and uphold the cessation of, activities of described abuse permanently and forever. 2). Provide me with means of shielding and protection against these electromagnetic effects.3). Compensate detection and removal of chips by commercial experts. Disclose to me all records of the location of any electronic device inside or outside the body, affecting me. 4). Supply me with all profiles, records and diagnoses, opinions and lists, as they pertain to me from the experiments or investigations done. 5). Compensate pain and suffering, physical and mental harm, negligent abuse by police, negligent abuse by doctors, job deprivation, illegal use as an involuntary human subject, breach of confidence, breach of privacy.6). Treat all physical and medical injures, present and future, which result from these electromagnetic attacks upon me. 7). Cancel (reverse) false psychiatric diagnoses
- Do you have any other comments about unusual sounds or other events noticed in the location(s) where you experienced symptoms?
Thank you for completing this survey.
Answer from the U.S. Government, received on January 24, 2022
“Thank you for the information and sharing your experience. We treat every report of a possible UHI with an abundance of caution and have shared it with relevant task force members as well as the FBI. For private U.S. citizens that would like more information about unexplained health incidents, please contact your local FBI office.
Health Incident Response Task Force (HIRTF)
U.S. Department of State”
5. Questionnaire GA76, submitted to Mr. Nils Melzer, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, on the 14th of May 2021
Accountability for Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Thematic Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture to GA76
1. Challenges to accountability: What are the most important legal, practical and other challenges that are conducive to the current worldwide accountability gap for torture and ill-treatment?
I will only address cyber-torture by means of psychotronic (mind control) weapons in these answers:
· Existing laws do not include description of psychotronic (mind control) technologies.
· Existing laws in many countries do not include gang stalking and stalking people by government institutions (like secret police).
· Insufficient and inadequate existing laws against torture. For example, Section 269 of the Criminal Code of Canada reads “269.1 (1) Every official, or every person acting at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of an official, who inflicts torture on any other person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.” First, criminals may torture victims without instigation, consent or acquiescence of officials, since perpetrators do not necessarily need approval of officials to commit torture. Next. Ridiculous punishment for torturers in Canada – 14 years are not enough. The last. Canadian legislation do not adequately punish witnesses of torture, who did not report about this crime.
· Military and intelligence in many countries granted themselves permission to test/use electromagnetic weapons on people without their informed consent. Such directives contradict international laws, constitutions and legislations of their own countries. These directives and people, who created and approved them, are themselves criminal.
· Law enforcement officers are criminally negligent and ignore reports of victims of cybertorture or intentionally send targeted individuals to mental institutions.
· Law enforcement workers are not trained to detect and prosecute crimes, committed by means of psychotronic Weapons.
· Law enforcement officers are not obliged to redirect investigation of cybertorture cases to organizations and services that have necessary equipment and trained personnel to investigate these crimes.
· Main stream media keep silence about existence of mind and body control technologies.
· Psychiatrists, perfectly knowing about existence of psychotronic technologies, intentionally label victims of cybertorture with false psychiatric diagnoses.
· Fascist scientists, these modern doctors Mengele, who carry out mind and body control experiments on involuntary human subjects, are allowed to use data and knowledge, obtained in a criminal way.
2. Functions, forms and levels of accountability: Please identify, explain, distinguish or compare the different functions (e.g. punitive/reparative, or proactive/preventative etc.), forms (e.g. legal, political, economic or social etc.) and levels (e.g. individual, collective, institutional, State etc.) of accountability for torture and ill-treatment.
It is difficult for me to answer this question, since I am not a lawyer. In my opinion, criminal responsibility must be exclusively individual. However, if perpetrators commit crimes in groups, punishment must be tougher than for individual crime.
Governments and their institutions must be responsible for refusal to investigate torture cases.
Torturers must get up to death sentences or lifetime imprisonments with full confiscation of their money and property. If criminals managed to pass their assets to other people, like their relatives, the assets must be confiscated from their relatives as well.
Exposure of torture cases in mainstream media with names and images of torturers will help very much.
3. Rights of victims: Who should be recognized as a victim of torture and ill-treatment, and what are – or ought to be – victims’ procedural and substantive rights within accountability processes? Who else, if anyone, should be entitled to have access to and/or participate in accountability processes and mechanisms?
Victim of torture is a person, who experienced intentionally inflicted severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental. Purpose and reason of torture do not matter at all (of course, I do not mean torture that arises only from lawful sanctions).
Victims of torture should be entitled to substantial financial compensation for damages, losses and suffering. Confiscated criminals’ money and property must be used to compensate victims first of all. If this money is not enough, then governments must pay victims as well.
4. Recommendations: Based on your experience and/or analysis of accountability in (2) and (3) above, what are the most effective mechanisms / measures and/or good practices that can or should be taken to respond to the challenges you identified in (1) so as to ensure accountability for torture and ill-treatment worldwide?”
· Existing laws must be improved and include description of psychotronic and other electromagnetic weapons.
· Existing laws must be improved and include stalking of targeted individuals by groups of perpetrators and government organizations (like secret police).
· Legislations should recognize torture, committed by any perpetrator, not just by officials or at their instigation or consent.
· Punishment for torture must be up to death sentence or lifetime in prison with complete confiscation of money and property of the criminals.
· Witnesses of torture, who did not report to police about this crime, must get at least 10 years in prison.
· Military, intelligence and judicial people, who created and approved directives that electromagnetic weapons may be tested or used on humans without their informed consent, should be criminally liable for these initiatives and brought to justice. They are liable to imprisonment for a term for at least 15 years. The unlawful directives must be immediately cancelled/revoked.
· Police officers must be trained to detect and investigate crimes. committed by means of psychotronic weapons. Alternatively, police must be obliged to redirect investigation of cybertorture cases to organizations and services (like military intelligence) that have necessary equipment and trained personnel.
· Criminal mind control experimentation on victims without their informed consent must be thoroughly investigated. Law enforcement officers, who ignore reports of cybertorture victims or intentionally send them to mental institutions, are liable to imprisonment for a term up to 10 years.
· Public exposure of scientists, who carry out mind and body control experiments on involuntary human subjects. These scientists are liable up to lifetime imprisonment or up to death sentence.
· Strict prohibition to use data and knowledge, obtained in a criminal way without informed consent of involuntary human subjects, anywhere.
· Public exposure of psychiatrists, who intentionally label victims of cybertorture with false psychiatric diagnoses.
Good practices to respond to illegal mind and body experimentation on human subjects without their informed consent:
1). Activities of abuse by psychotronic technologies must be ceased immediately and forever.
2). Perpetrators and states must compensate for the detection and removal of possible implants in victims by commercial experts. All records of the location of any electronic devices inside or outside bodies of involuntary human subjects, affecting them, should be disclosed to them.
3). Targeted individuals should be supplied with all and full profiles, records and diagnoses, opinions and lists, as they pertain to them from the experiments or investigations done.
4). Compensation of victims’ pain and suffering, physical and mental harm, job deprivation, financial damage, illegal use as involuntary human subjects, breach of confidence, breach of privacy, negligent abuse by police, negligent abuse by doctors, and so on.
5). All physical and medical injures, present and future, which result from electromagnetic/psychotronic weapon crimes must be treated. If involuntary human subjects need to restore their health, it must be done at the expense of perpetrators and governments, not at the expense of victims.
6). False psychiatric diagnoses, made for targeted individuals, must be cancelled (reversed).
[7). Targeted individuals should be provided with means of shielding and protection against electromagnetic effects.]

Galina Kurdina,
Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapons
Email: helenkurdin@yahoo.ca
Phone: (647) 343-0716