- If you want to join Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind/Body Control) Weapons, please, send your full name, date of birth, year, when attacks started upon you, e-mail address, full mailing address and phone number to helenkurdin@yahoo.ca. Your name, e-mail address, city, province and country will be added to our Letter/Petition that we distribute all over the world. Only people, who support the Letter/Petition, can join our Organization.
- If you want to publish your story on our website, send it with your full name, photo, date of birth, year, when attacks started upon you, mailing address and e-mail address to helenkurdin@yahoo.ca.
- If you are a victim of mind/body control experimentation and want to put your name in the list of targeted individuals worldwide, email your full name, e-mail address, date or year of birth, year, when Psychotronic attacks started upon you, city, state/province and country to helenkurdin@yahoo.ca. Please, send us information about deceased Targeted Individuals as well. Purpose of this list is to memorialize names of victims.